Monday 21 May 2012

We have been discussing lots of legends around Matariki. This is one legend about how the stars got into the sky. Everyone worked co-operatively in groups to work on a part of the mural. Different groups worked on Tamarereti, the waka, the taniwha, and the mountains. We listened to a story about this legend, and rewrote it ourselves.

Here is Ethan's story of what happened:

Many years ago there were no stars in the sky. Every night the Taniwha came to land and ate anyone who came out. There was a brave warrior named Tamarereti. One morning he woke up and was hungry. He looked in the food storage, but there was not much food left. He went out fishing on Lake Taupo. After about an hour eh caught three fish. Tamarereti was tired so he decided to take a nap. A few hours later he woke up from bumping into the land. The wind had blown him to the other side of Lake Taupo. It was getting dark, so he decided to make a big dinner. He set up his fish to eat. As he started to eat, he realised he was in mortal danger from the Taniwha. He looked around for some ideas to help him. He saw some bright lights from the pebbles on the side of the lake. He threw as many of them as he could into the sky to make the night lighter. This made the night safer and too light for the Taniwha to come out. The pebbles turned into the stars, and have stayed there since.


  1. Thats a great story about Matariki! I love the class mural also, room 18 has some very talented students.

    (Nice story Ethan - from Ashton)

  2. Dianne Forbes (Rennie's Mum)18 June 2012 at 10:00

    I like how you all worked cooperatively on the mural, as so many talented artists can produce great work together. I love murals and enjoy seeing so many around Hamilton now, like the ones by Jeremy Shirley in the bus shelters and tunnels around Hillcrest.
