Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Rocky Shore Trip

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We went on an exciting trip to Raglan to see the rocky shore and the animals that live there. We found crabs, seaweed (there is a neat seaweed called Neptune's Necklace), cushion and spiny starfish, barnacles, catseyes, seasnails, limpits and many more creatures. One of our favourite rocky shore friends was a sneaky Kina who was hiding in between two rocks.
We jumped from rock to rock searching for different kinds of creatures. We needed to lift rocks and look under them to find what we were looking for.
We had a nice day at the rocky shore, and we think it is an awesome place!

Monday, 12 March 2012

Our Self Portraits

We made self portraits of ourselves to get to know the people in our class better.
Before we could start our portraits, we practised drawing mouths, noses,
eyes and ears. We did this with a buddy.
The first thing we did was draw the round shape for our faces.
Next we drew light lines through our face (guide lines) so we
would know where to put the features of our face.
We added the features onto our faces. We made sure not to forget our hair and shoulders!
Then we used a sharpie to outline our portrait.
Now we were ready to pastel our picture! We used newspaper underneath to keep it smooth, and we made sure that we covered all the sneaky white bits!
Now that our person was finished, we needed to paint a background.
We used colours that stood out against the colour of our shirts. We thought about using hot and cold colours, depending on our tshirt.
We hope you like them!

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